Disruptive Competition Policy Forum – December 10 in Washington, DC
CCIA launched DisCo (the Disruptive Competition Project) almost a year and a half ago; our first post was June 1, 2012. Since then, the project has grown, and we’re excited about all of the interesting news and views we’ve had to share with you.
And DisCo is now more than just a blog; we’re having our first event next month, the DisCo Policy Forum 2013, featuring speakers on a lot of the topics we frequently cover. Please join us in person as we explore several topics, including local restraints on Internet-enabled competition, data policy and 21st century copyright.
The agenda is below. RSVP on Eventbrite. (There’s also a Facebook event; invite your friends!)
Tuesday, December 10th
Arent Fox LLP, 1717 K Street NW
9:45am: Registration Opens
10:15am: Welcome, Opening Remarks
Featuring: Stephanie Joyce, Partner, Arent Fox LLP
10:30am: Policymaker Keynote Address
Featuring: Joshua Wright, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission
11:15am: “Breaking Barriers to Internet-enabled Competition”
The Internet has been a game changer for the average consumer. Its ubiquity and malleability empower entrepreneurs and enhance consumer choice by expanding markets and connecting producers and consumers from all over the world. However, it also displaces traditional middlemen and reshapes markets in ways that have engendered political pushback from traditional incumbents. In this panel, we hope to discuss this trend and policy responses, including the FTC’s recent advocacy focused on anticompetitive local regulations.
- Jim Chen, VP of Regulatory Affairs and Associate General Counsel, Tesla Motors, Inc.
- Michael McGeary, Co-Founder and Chief Political Strategist, Engine Advocacy
- Corey Owens, Head of Public Policy, Uber
- Patrick Roach, Attorney-Advisor, Office of Policy Planning, FTC
- Chris Sagers, Law Professor, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law & Advisory Board Member, American Antitrust Institute
12:15pm: Lunch
1:15pm: Q&A with Rep Jared Polis (D-Co.)
Moderated by: Rob Pegoraro
1:45pm: “Planning our Data Future: Privacy and Innovation in the 21st Century”
Declining data storage prices, ubiquitous broadband connections and advances in analytical capability have sparked an economic and technological boom over the last couple of years. In fact, advances in data processing and analytics are at the heart of many of the most cutting-edge disruptive technologies and business models. As policymakers and trade negotiators across the world grapple with the 21st century data rules of the road, this panel will discuss not only how these technologies are changing the world around us, but also how lawmakers and regulators should approach these technological advances.
- John Boswell, SVP, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary, SAS
- Josh Galper, Chief Policy Officer and General Counsel, Personal, Inc.
- Ross Schulman, Public Policy & Regulatory Counsel, CCIA
- Adam Thierer, Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center
3:00pm: “Cutting Edge Commerce and Copyright”
Reflecting the persistent friction between copyright and modern technology, Congress is again contemplating copyright legislation. Increasingly, copyright functions in a regulatory manner, instead of a well-ordered system of property rights. It is timely to discuss how new products and services navigate the uncertain rights and the ever-present threat of litigation in order to bring consumers what they want.
- Marvin Ammori, Principal, The Ammori Group (counsel to companies including Automattic)
- Michael Carrier, Professor, Rutgers School of Law
- Michael Masnick, Founder and CEO, Floor 64
- John Ossenmacher, CEO, ReDigi
4:15pm: Industry Keynote Address
Featuring: Chet Kanojia, Founder and CEO of Aereo, Inc.