Honesty is the Best Policy?
Given its frequency, smartphone patent litigation isn’t exactly ‘news’ anymore; it is simply a continuous phenomenon. Like weather: cloudy, with a chance of injunction. Reuters’ story today, on Taiwan’s National Cheng Kung University suing Apple for patent infringement due to its Siri feature, is not out of the ordinary in that regard, given that Apple has been previously sued in China over Siri (among other things).
What is notable is that the suit was filed in patent-plaintiff friendly Marshall, Texas, (explored by Gizmodo here), and rather than attempt to manufacture some pretext why a remote Texas town was a convenient venue for a Taiwanese institution to litigate its rights, the university spokesperson was surprisingly frank:
“We filed that lawsuit in the Texas court because it processes faster and its rulings are usually in favor of patent owners and the compensations are usually higher.”